SCADA가 통합된 배전자동화 시스템의 변전소 사고 시 복구 자동화 알고리즘

It is impossible to take the instant action in the distribution system When fault occures in a substation because operation of the substation and the distribution system are separated. However the power system automation has been studying about unity operation and co-operation between SCADA and DAS(Distribution Automation System). In this paper proposes a new algorithm of efficiency restoration using a outage load switching to a healthy MTR a fault occurrence at a MTR in united system between DAS and SCADA. In addtion, proposed algorithm includes a outage restoration method which keeps MTR optimal capacity with reorganization of distribution network in case it can not restore outage state loads caused by shortage of healthy MTR remain capacity. In case that proposed sequence still can not complete restoration, this paper suggests a efficiency outage restoration with objective function included priority in outage loads. In the case studies, the proposed algorithm have been verified in 2 MTR and 3 MTR substation.