A method for dynamic navigation of individual traffic and apparatus, device and system for

It is proposed a process for dynamic navigation of individual traffic, wherein the at least one route for at least one subscriber of individual traffic is calculated, over a predeterminable time interval at least two transition lines (Gh, Gi) from a state quantity of individual determined and used to calculate the route are stored, wherein a selection criterion is provided for the calculation of the route to select and to use a (eq) of the deposited transition lines (Gh, Eq) for the calculation of the route. Accordingly are now instead of a single passage line which refers unclassified to a center value viewing over the whole individual traffic, Nunb at least two transition lines (Gh, Eq) determined according to the statistical frequency distributions, both transition lines are preferably the same characteristic quantity of the traffic relating, in particular, the travel time or speed. As a parameter or state variable z can. B. considers the travel speed (V) and evaluated. The selection criterion for can. For example, be an indicator that displays current and / or predictable disturbances of individual such. As an indicator, which is determined from observations of individual itself and / or its environment, particularly from global Bobachtungen for early warning and forecasting of traffic disruptions or weather reports in the area or region of the observed traffic. The ...