Finite Element Modeling of a Microhotplate for Microfluidic Applications

A hand-held chemical laboratory ({mu}ChemLab) is being developed that utilizes a silicon- nitride-supported microhotplate in the front-end, gas sampling and preconcentration stage. Device constraints include low-power (<200mW at 5V), rapid heating (<20msec), and a relatively uniform temperature distribution throughout the heated area ({approximately}3mm{sup 2}). To optimize for these criteria, the electro-thermal behavior of the microhotplate was modeled using Thermal Analysis System (TAS). Predicted steady-state and transient behavior agree well with infrared (IR) microscope data and measured transient response for a low-stress silicon nitride thermal conductivity of k{sub n} = 6.4 x 10{sup {minus}2} W x (cm x {degree}C){sup {minus}1} and a convection coefficient of h{sub cv} = 3.5 x 10{sup {minus}3} W x (cm{sup 2} x {degree}C){sup {minus}1}. The magnitude of h{sub cv} is framed in the context of vacuum measurements and empirical data. Details and limitations of the IR measurement are discussed. Finally, the efficacy of methods for reducing thermal gradients in the microhotplate's active area is presented.