Common Sensing and Analyses to Visualize a Production Process with Parallelly Utilized Resource - Job-Shop and Flow-Shop Cases

This paper presented a common system of the automated sensing and analysis for major 2 types of manufacturing format; the flow-shop type and the job-shop type. About sensing, electrical signal from production equipment and/or tools were the main target of a general-purpose sensing. In particular, applications of a data logger are introduced. About analysis, discussion in this paper was focused on the classification of status of production resource, detection of its change in time-series, and so on. Some quantitative analyses, such a clustering , are required to be combined. In addition, the key performance indicator (KPI) was also developed for better visualization. We present KPI of “throughput yield” for the flow-shop, and "Parallel utilization index (PUI)" for the job-shop. All those have been evaluated by some numerical experiments for small and middle-sized companies of the Ibaraki IoT-Robot study group.