Call for Papers Interfaces Special Issue: Operations Research in Mining

Mining is the process of extracting a naturally occurring material from the earth to derive a profit. Operations research has been used in mining primarily to make decisions about when and how to perform both surface and underground extraction with respect to how to recover the material and what to do with the extracted material. Because machines are used to extract the ore, decisions about which type of machines to use, how many machines to use, and how to allocate them also arise. Mining has received increasing attention in practice, in the literature, and at conferences. The current scarcity of easily accessible, high-grade ore deposits has underscored the importance of making mining operations more efficient, especially through operations research. Furthermore, with recent improvements in hardware and software capabilities, models are becoming detailed enough to be applicable and useful to real-world operations. We solicit papers for the special issue at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels concerned with the extraction and processing of the following minerals: (1) metallic ores such as iron and copper, (2) nonmetallic minerals such as sand and gravel, and (3) fossil fuels such as coal. Mathematical methodologies appropriate for the description of extraction and processing are traditional operations research techniques in areas such as queuing, simulation, decision analysis, and optimization. Papers must belong to one or more of the following categories: • An application with a verification letter from the company or organization using the results • A novel literature review of operations research related to mining • A tutorial emphasizing the practical implementation of mining models Authors should review the Interfaces instructions on preparing a paper at In the Author Center of Manuscript Central, please designate the " Manuscript Type " (#1— " Type, Title, and Abstract ") as " Special Issue " in the dropdown list; in #4— " Details and Comments, " respond " Operations Research in Mining " to the question, " This paper is for which special issue? " All papers will be refereed. Articles must be received no later than October 15, 2011 for full consideration.