Secured Key Generation for Biometric Encryption using Hyper-chaotic Map and DNA Sequences

Security is the major concern in this digital era communication. A novel key generation algorithm is proposed which can be used for image encryption. The suggested work uses hyper chaotic map and DNA sequences for implementation. Beta chaotic function is used for hyper chaotic functionality and scrambling is also performed to increase chaos which will enhance key security. DNA addition and complement functions are applied to the scrambled image that increases the complexity of the system. Finally, the cryptographic key is generated using SHA256 which can be used for image encryption. Multimodal biometrics is used to enhance security and accuracy. The simulation results prove that the key generated using hyper chaotic function and DNA addition is highly sensitive and protected. Several methods are performed to check the strength of key generated and hence proved the algorithm is resistant to key sensitivity analysis, information entropy analysis and correlation co-efficient analysis.