About the Authors

Catherine Durnell Cramton (\"The Mutual Knowledge Prob- conditions, the impact of organizational change on subsequent lem and Its Consequences for Dispersed Collaboration\") is Asso- performance and survival, and the consequences of organizational ciate Professor in the School of Management at George Mason structures and dynamics for employees\' careers and the compo- University. She recieved her Ph.D. in organizational behavior from sition of organizations\' work forces. She serves on the editorial Yale University. Her research explores the contemporary chal- boards of Organization Science, Administrative Science Quar- lenges of collaboration and leadership, including distributed work, terly, and the American Sociological Review. Address: Columbia interorganizational collaboration, project team leadership, and the University, Graduate School of Business, 706 Uris Hall, New impact of technology on collaboration. Address: School of Man- York, NY 10027-6902; telephone: (212) 854-4424; e-mail: agement, Mail Stop 5F5, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA hah15@columbia.edu . 22030-4444; telephone: (703) 993-1814; fax: (202) 318-4319; John C. Henderson (\"Understanding `Strategic Learning\': e-mail: ccramton@som.gmu.edu . Linking Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management, and Sue R. Faerman (\"Understanding Interorganizational Cooper- Sensemaking\") is the Richard C. Shipley Professor of Manage- ation: Private-Public Collaboration in Regulating Financial Market ment, Chairperson of the Information Systems Department, and Innovation\") is Professor of Public Administration and Organiza- Director of the Institute for Leading in a Dynamic Economy at tional Studies and Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the University Boston University\'s School of Management. He is a noted at Albany, State University of New York. Her research focuses on researcher, consultant, and executive educator with papers appear- the paradoxical nature of leadership and organizational perfor- ing in many refereed journals. His coauthored book, Knowledge mance. She received her Ph.D. in public administration from the Engine, examines leveraging a firm\'s knowledge assets. His University at Albany, State University of New York. Address: research interests include: managing strategic partnerships, impact Office of Undergraduate Studies-LC30, University at Albany, of the mobile Internet on markets and organizations, and knowl- State University of New York, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, edge management. Address: Boston University School of Man- NY 12222; telephone: (518) 442-3950; fax: (518) 442-4959; e-mail: agement, 595 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 546H, Boston, MA sfaerman@uamail.albany.edu . 02215; telephone: (617) 353-6142; fax: (617) 353-1695; e-mail: James F. Fairbank (\"Emulation in Academia: Balancing Struc- jchender@bu.edu . ture and Identity\") received his Ph.D. in management and organi- Giuseppe (Joe) Labianca (\"Emulation in Academia: Balancing zation, The Pennsylvania State University and is an assistant pro- Structure and Identity\") received his Ph.D. in management and or- fessor of management in the College of Business and Economics ganization, The Pennsylvania State University, and is an assistant at West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV. His current re- professor of organization and management at Emory University\'s search interests are strategic decision making and the management Goizueta Business School in Atlanta, GA. His primary interests are of information technology. Address: College of Business and Eco- in network and cognition research at the intra- and interorganiza- nomics, P.O. Box 6025, Morgantown, WV 26506-6025; telephone: tional levels. Recent projects have investigated the antecedents and (304) 293-7937; fax: (304) 293-5652; e-mail: ifairban@wvu.edu . consequences of disliking others in one\'s social networks at work, Dennis A. Gioia (\"Emulation in Academia: Balancing Structure as well as investigating the process of emulation between organ- and Identity\") is Professor of Organizational Behavior, Department zations. He conducts both quantitative and qualitative research, and of Management and Organization, Smeal College of Business Ad- has published in the Academy of Management Journal and Orga- ministration at The Pennsylvania State University. His current nization Science. He is currently serving on the editorial review research and writing interests focus primarily on the cognitive board of the Academy of Management Journal. Address: Goizueta processes of organization members, especially the ways in which Business School, 1300 Clifton Road, Emory University, Atlanta, identity, image, and reputation are involved in organizational GA 30322; telephone: (404) 727-7662; fax: (404) 727-6663; e-mail: sensemaking, sensegiving, and change. His work has appeared joe_labianca@bus.emory.edu . in many of the top journals in the field and he has coedited two David P. McCaffrey (\"Understanding Interorganizational Co- volumes of original contributions: The Thinking Organization operation: Private-Public Collaboration in Regulating Financial and Creative Action in Organizations. Address: Smeal College of Market Innovation\") is Professor of Public Administration, Public Business, Penn State University, 403 Beam BAB, University Park, Policy, and Organizational Studies at the University at Albany, PA 16802; telephone: (814) 865-6370; fax: (814) 863-7261; e-mail: State University of New York. His research focuses on the orga- dag4@psu.edu . nizational dynamics of regulatory systems. He received his Ph.D. Heather A. Haveman (\"Organizational Environments in Flux: in sociology from the State University of New York at Stony The Impact of Regulatory Punctuations on Organizational Do- Brook. Address: Department of Public Administration and Policy, mains, CEO Succession, and Performance\") is Professor of Man- University at Albany, State University of New York, 135 Western agement at the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University. Avenue, Albany, NY 12222; e-mail: d.mccaffrey@albany.edu . She received her Ph.D. in organizational behavior and industrial Alan D. Meyer (\"Organizational Environments in Flux: The relations from the Haas School of Business Administration at the Impact of Regulatory Punctuations on Organizational Domains, University of California at Berkeley in 1990. Her research inves- CEO Succession, and Performance\") is the Charles H. Lundquist tigates organizations\' responses to shifting internal and external Professor of Entrepreneurial Management at the University of