Usingstorage devices forcompensating uncertainties caused bynon- disp atchab legenerators
Thispaper presents astudy oncombining agrid-because theycannot meettheir projected production pattern connected stochastic generator withanenergy storage device. duetoinaccurate forecasts (4). Ontheother hand,several Thestorage device isusedtobalance thepowerfluctuations of generators havetorunasbackup onidle oronreduced power thenon-dispatchable generator inordertofeedpowerintothe gene to runasackuponsidle ondreducedapower network according toanhourly pre-determined constant profile. tbeable to q kompendste pos edflutuations. Thenegative effects ofinaccurate forecasts arethusreduced by Usually hydrostorage andgas-fired powerstations areused turning thestochastic generation intoadeterministic networkforthispurpose; running athermal powerplant atreduced infeed. Important parameters forachieving this goalarethe powerhowever implies lower efficiency andhencearelatively energy capacity oftheenergy storage andtheerror magnitude higher amount ofCO2perMWh, reducing thepositive impact oftheforecast usedtodefine theinfeed profile. .' A general methodforsimulations basedonameasurement ofrenewable-based generators Interms ofemissions. Itwould series ispresented, together withamethodforthesimulation thusbefavorable toalleviate oreveneliminate thefluctuations offorecasts withdifferent forecast errors. Themethodology is oftheintermittent source before theyaretransferred tothe thenapplied ina casestudytoinvestigate thefeasibility Of network. using anstorage device forhourly balancing. Theemphasis ison Therefore, this paper presents astudy oncombining agrid- therelation between infeed accuracy, forecast errorandenergyconnected stochastic generator withanESD,tocompensate capacity Ofthestorage. fluctuations inthenetwork infeed. Incontrast toisolated