Aesthetics of Highway Design

There is a danger in looking at highway design strictly from the viewpoint of aesthetics without indicating how this relates to other phases of design. An optimum design is only possible when the stand­ ards of structural design, geometric design, and aesthetic design are integrated and in perfect balance with each other. However, not being qualified to discuss structural or geometric design, no attempt will be made to cover these phases except as they directly affect the aesthetics. It is assumed that the reader will add the following viewpoints on aesthetic design to his own on these other aspects so as to never lose sight of the optimum or total concept in highway design. Before discussing this topic of aesthetics in highway design, it is worthwhile to first briefly define the title of this discussion. Aesthetics—theories on the essential character of beauty. Highway—a public road. Design— (from a landscape architectural point of view)—the art of organizing outdoor space for people to use and enjoy. Simply stated, aesthetics of highway design is the art of locating and integrating public roads into the total environment for people to use and enjoy. As the last part of this definition implies, we are dealing with a marriage between function and beauty. They cannot be separated without losing the quality of optimum highway design.