OF STATES OF RNA SECONDARY STRUCTURES Jan Cupal 1, Ivo L. Hofacker+ and Peter F. Stadler y Theoretische Biochemie @ Institut f ur Theoretische Chemie Universitat Wien, Wahringerstra e 17, A-1090 Wien, Austria +Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A. yThe Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87501, U.S.A. A dynamic programming algorithm for the computation of the complete density of states of RNA secondary structures is presented. CPU and memory requirements scale as n3m2 and n2m, respectively, where n is the chain length and m is the number of energy bins. The Vienna RNA Package [4; 5] is an e cient implementation developed for the computation of the minimum free energy structure [8], sets of suboptimal structures [7], and the complete matrix of base pairing probabilities [6]. All these algorithms are based on a common dynamic programming scheme. The density of states, i.e., the energy distribution of suboptimal secondary structures, is of utmost importance for an understanding of the structural versatility of RNA molecules [3]. Higgs found that d.o.s. of evolved sequences such as tRNAs di er signi cantly from random RNA sequences. His studies were based, however, on a non-recursive algorithm using a drastically simpli ed energy model for the RNA secondary structures [2]. We show here that the same dynamic programming scheme that underlies all folding algorithms can be extended to a rigorous computation of the complete density of states. The key observation is that the d.o.s. of a subsequence [i; j] can be computed recursively from the d.o.s. of all shorter subsequences contained in [i; j], see the box below for details. The algorithm is based on the standard energy model for RNA secondary structures, see e.g. [1]. All code is written in Ansi C.
D. Turner,et al.
Improved free-energy parameters for predictions of RNA duplex stability.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
J. McCaskill.
The equilibrium partition function and base pair binding probabilities for RNA secondary structure
P. Higgs.
Thermodynamic properties of transfer RNA: a computational study
Paul Higgs,et al.
RNA secondary structure: a comparison of real and random sequences
Walter Fontana,et al.
Fast folding and comparison of RNA secondary structures
David Sankoff,et al.
RNA secondary structures and their prediction
M. Zuker.
On finding all suboptimal foldings of an RNA molecule.