Cortical projections to the red nucleus and the brain stem in the rhesus monkey

The 1967 paper from Hans Kuypers and Don Lawrence provided the first complete description of the projections from every major cortical area to the red nucleus and brainstem in the monkey. The study includes descriptions of some of the major cortical influences on sensory and motor circuits subserving vision, hearing and proprioception, as well as movements of the eyes, head and limbs. It also describes the detailed anatomy of the red nucleus in the monkey, and highlights species differences in this structure. It also postulates that cortical projections to the parvicellular component of the red nucleus provide a recurrent loop returning via the thalamus to the motor cortex. The findings reported in this paper helped to substantiate Kuypers' new theory on the organisation of the descending motor pathways by showing that the primary motor cortex, as well as providing a direct crossed corticospinal input to spinal circuits controlling movements of the distal extremities (hand and foot), also influenced these same circuits through ipsilateral projections to the cells of origin of the rubrospinal tract. In contrast, projections from more rostral motor, premotor and prefrontal regions terminated bilaterally in the parvicellular red nucleus, and influenced ventromedial descending pathways controlling movements of the head, neck, trunk and proximal limbs. The paper has proved of lasting value to our understanding of sensorimotor control and the contribution of different pathways to it. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled SI:50th Anniversary Issue.

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