Fracture of the calcaneus still results in permanent disability in a discouragingly large proportion of cases. This has compelled unusual persistence in attempts to diminish this economic handicap. Since fractures of the calcaneus predominate in men, they have been a great source of concern to industrial compensation boards. This article presents a study of the end-results in patients seen over a period of six years, only the complicated fractures comprising the basis of this report. In complicated fractures are included: (1) fractures of the calcaneus which were comminuted and fissured, involving most of the body of the bone and extending into the subastragalar, and, in some instances, into the mediotarsal joint; (2) the impacted fractures causing impingement against the bony mortise formed by the two malleoli, but chiefly against the lateral malleous, and (3) those which resulted in spurs, mainly on the weight-bearing surface of the heel. This group of