We consider the problem of community detection in the Stochastic Block Model with a finite number $K$ of communities of sizes linearly growing with the network size $n$. This model consists in a random graph such that each pair of vertices is connected independently with probability $p$ within communities and $q$ across communities. One observes a realization of this random graph, and the objective is to reconstruct the communities from this observation. We show that under spectral algorithms, the number of misclassified vertices does not exceed $s$ with high probability as $n$ grows large, whenever $pn=\omega(1)$, $s=o(n)$ and \begin{equation*} \lim\inf_{n\to\infty} {n(\alpha_1 p+\alpha_2 q-(\alpha_1 + \alpha_2)p^{\frac{\alpha_1}{\alpha_1 + \alpha_2}}q^{\frac{\alpha_2}{\alpha_1 + \alpha_2}})\over \log (\frac{n}{s})} >1,\quad\quad(1) \end{equation*} where $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$ denote the (fixed) proportions of vertices in the two smallest communities. In view of recent work by Abbe et al. and Mossel et al., this establishes that the proposed spectral algorithms are able to exactly recover communities whenever this is at all possible in the case of networks with two communities with equal sizes. We conjecture that condition (1) is actually necessary to obtain less than $s$ misclassified vertices asymptotically, which would establish the optimality of spectral method in more general scenarios.
U. Feige,et al.
Spectral techniques applied to sparse random graphs
Amin Coja-Oghlan,et al.
Graph Partitioning via Adaptive Spectral Techniques
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing.
Cristopher Moore,et al.
Phase transition in the detection of modules in sparse networks
Physical review letters.
Elchanan Mossel,et al.
Stochastic Block Models and Reconstruction
Alexandre Proutière,et al.
Community Detection via Random and Adaptive Sampling
Elchanan Mossel,et al.
Consistency Thresholds for Binary Symmetric Block Models
Laurent Massoulié,et al.
Community detection thresholds and the weak Ramanujan property
Bruce E. Hajek,et al.
Achieving exact cluster recovery threshold via semidefinite programming
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT).
Elchanan Mossel,et al.
Consistency Thresholds for Binary Symmetric Block Models
Emmanuel Abbe,et al.
Exact Recovery in the Stochastic Block Model
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.