We are developing the Virtual Notebook System (VNS) to facilitate information acquisition, sharing and management in collaborative work. Our main concern is enhancing the productivity of scientific groups engaged in basic and clinical research in an acaademic medical center. As the name implies, the VNS is an electronic analog to the scientist’s notebook, and it functions as the repository of data, hypotheses and notes, patient information and the like. But unlike the traditional notebook, the VNS is expressly designed to enhance information sharing among the members of scientific teams. A hypertext program we have developed is the foundation for this sharing, and it enables us to integrate into the VNS a variety of computer-based information resources that are so important in biomedicine.
Jeff Conklin,et al.
Hypertext: An Introduction and Survey
G A Gorry,et al.
A Virtual Notebook for biomedical work groups.
Bulletin of the Medical Library Association.
G. Halasz Frank,et al.
Reflections on NoteCards: seven issues for the next generation of hypermedia systems
Thomas W. Malone,et al.
Intelligent Information Sharing Systems
Frank G. Halasz,et al.
Reflections on NoteCards: seven issues for the next generation of hypermedia systems