Benchmark-based process assessment and improvement is a cutting-edge technology in software engineering for adaptive and relative process improvement. It is found that benchmark-based process improvement is more adaptable, feasible, and economical in process-based software engineering. By adopting the benchmark-based process improvement, the target capability levels of a software organization may be set related to the benchmarks of the software industry or a specific sector, rather than a virtual highest capability level according to a goal-oriented process model. The objective of this project is to develop a benchmark-based and organization and project size and features adaptable software process model (BBASPM). This report describes the architecture of the BBASPM model and its process and capability dimensions. BBASPM is developed by referring to the SEPRM model and benchmarks in process selection and target process capability determination. Adaptation guidelines of BBASPM to different sized organizations and projects are provided, especially for small organizations and small projects. BBASPM is developed as a superset of CMM, ISO 15504 and ISO 9001. Using the mapping mechanism provided in SEPRM, the BBASPM capability levels can be transformed into other process models and standards, such as CMM and ISO 15504. We also describe our experience in using BBASPM on a process improvement project.
Yingxu Wang,et al.
A worldwide survey of base process activities towards software engineering process excellence
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software Engineering.
Yingxu Wang,et al.
Experience in Comparative Process Assessment with Multi-Process-Models
Mark C. Paulk,et al.
Capability Maturity Model for Software
Yingxu Wang,et al.
A unified framework for the software engineering process system standards and models
Proceedings 4th IEEE International Software Engineering Standards Symposium and Forum (ISESS'99). 'Best Software Practices for the Internet Age'.
Yingxu Wang,et al.
Establishment of a national benchmark of software engineering practices
Proceedings 4th IEEE International Software Engineering Standards Symposium and Forum (ISESS'99). 'Best Software Practices for the Internet Age'.
Yingxu Wang,et al.
A Worldwide Survey on Best Practices Toward Software Engineering Process Excellence
Khaled El Emam,et al.
Spice: The Theory and Practice of Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination