Study of Cooperative Development and Slope Stability at Mt.Bukoh.

In Japan, some of limestone quarries have difficulties in development of new areas due to environmental restrictions. Cooperative development and operations at Mt. Bukoh are one of the development examples which meet environmental requirements and natural resource conservation.Mt. Bukoh of which original elevation was 1336m S.L. is located in the western part of Saitama pref. In the early days of development, each company commenced quarrying halfway up the mountain and ended up with only a small amount of mineable reserve. In order to fully exploit the whole resource and to maintain the final slope stability, it was required for the three companies to commence quarrying from top of the mountain maintaining the same operation level together with the same slope design and reforestation plan of the final slope.Owing to the geological structure, it is inevitable that a large final slope which is 2 to 3 km wide and 700 to 800m high-will be formed as quarrying progresses. Therefore it is vital for the three companies to secure slope stability for a long time in harmony with environment protection. All the data acquired through the series of surveys and studies were put into the computer and a comprehensive analysis was implemented. And a automatic survey system which monitors movement of the final slope started for measurement of distances from the station of a surveyor to various survey points on the slope.