Reality and perspectives in teleradiology: a personal view based on personal experiences

This paper is a subjective view based on 8years of personal experience in teleradiology.We think the results are of interest totelemedicine in general.Telemedicine is a broad field, which can bedefined in different ways. A Japanese defini-tion of 1996 described it as ‘‘… the use of anyelectrical signal to transmit medical informa-tion…’’ [1]. This is a very technical and sim-plistic view. The University of Athens inGreece published a more detailed definition:‘‘… the transfer of electronic medical data(i.e. high resolution images, sounds, livevideo, and patient records) from one locationto another.’’ [2]. A broader definition, whichtakes the entire health care system into ac-count, says: ‘‘… the use of telecommunica-tions technology to deliver health careservices and health professions education tosites that are distant to the host site or educa-tor…’’ [3].The driving factors in telemedicine wereinvestigated in a study by Frost and Sullivan[4]. The following reasons were identified fordeveloping and using telemedicine: first, thereis pressure to reduce costs. Centralization,specialization and outsourcing need this tech-nology. Furthermore, there is a need forgreater efficiency in the health care system.Advances in technology help in implementingtelemedicine systems today. The dissemina-tion of international standardization is animportant aspect in implementing systemsthat are interoperable. Examples of suchstandards are DICOM, MEDICOM andHL7. The shift from institution-based care tocitizen- and homecare-centered provision isanother important driver. Increased health-care demands can only be satisfied withtelemedicine. Aging populations need tele-monitoring to cut costs and isolated patientsneed and demand full healthcare services.Physicians are motivated to implementtelemedical applications since they recognizean income potential [4].Telemedicine can help patients, physiciansand other medical staff as well as medicalinstitutions, insurance carriers, politiciansand the medical devices market according tothis study [4].