Development of Strategic Value Chain Framework for Indian Car Manufacturing Industry

A comprehensive strategy of an automobile-manufacturing company describes the methodology to create value for its shareholders, i.e., customers, suppliers, employees and society at large. A strategic value chain framework has been developed for the Indian car manufacturing industry. The concept of balanced scorecard, Kaplan and Norton (Harv Bus Rev 70(1):71–79, 1992), and strategy maps, Kaplan and Norton (Strategy maps—converting intangible assets into tangible outcomes. Harvard Business School Publishing Corp., Boston, 2004), has been used in the present research. The detailed design of the strategic value chain framework has been provided by making use of decomposition approach, Carrus and Cochran (in: 2nd international conference on engineering design and automation, Maui, HI, August 9–12, 1998). The decomposition approach is based on axiomatic design principles, Suh (The principles of design. Oxford University Press, New York, 1990). The detailed design of strategic value chain framework can be used for implementing the comprehensive strategy by the car manufacturing industry. The framework can be used for formulating and implementing a comprehensive strategy depending on the short-term/long-term financial perspectives of the car manufacturing company. The application of the research work has been illustrated with the help of an industrial case study.