A Next Generation MOOC for Alumni Smaller, More Effective and Profitable

The University of Minnesota offers a series of massive online open courses [MOOCs] in a number of disciplines. They are open to the world and free, with some attracting over 60,000 students. Recently the online materials from an existing MOOC were translated into an online course offered directly to University Alumni. Limited in size, a small fee was charged for the course and live online and on-campus sessions were offered. With a goal of increasing connection to the University for alumni, course participation was strong, with a completion rate that was substantially higher than traditional MOOCs. In a panel presentation, the process of conceiving, developing, implementing the course will be examined by the parties involved. Their observations and recommendations for future development of similar online/alumni courses will be discussed. Presenters will include a representative from the Alumni Association, an online learning expert from University central administration, and the faculty member Related URL: https://www.coursera.org/minnesota