Application of magnetic field over-modulation for improved EPR linewidth measurements using probes with Lorentzian lineshape.

Magnetic field modulation in CW electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is used for signal detection. However, it can also distort signal lineshape. In experiments where the linewidth information is of particular importance, small modulation amplitude is usually used to limit the lineshape distortion. The use of small modulation amplitude, however, results in low signal-to-noise ratio and therefore affects the precision of linewidth measurements. Recently, a new spectral simulation model has been developed enabling accurate fitting of modulation-broadened EPR spectra in liquids. Since the use of large modulation amplitude (over-modulation) can significantly enhance the EPR signal, the precision of linewidth measurements is therefore greatly improved. We investigated the over-modulation technique in EPR oximetry experiments using the oxygen-sensing probe lithium octa-n-butoxy-substitued naphthalocyanine (LiNc-BuO). Modulation amplitudes 2-18 times the intrinsic linewidth of the probe were applied to increase the spectral signal-to-noise ratio. The intrinsic linewidth of the probe at different oxygen concentrations was accurately extracted through curve fitting from the enhanced spectra. Thus, we demonstrated that the over-modulation model is also applicable to particulate oxygen-sensing probes such as LiNc-BuO and that the lineshape broadening induced by oxygen is separable from that induced by over-modulation. Therefore, the over-modulation technique can be used to enhance sensitivity and improve linewidth measurements for EPR oximetry with particulate oxygen-sensing probes with Lorentzian lineshape. It should be particularly useful for in vivo oxygen measurements, in which direct linewidth measurements may not be feasible due to inadequate signal-to-noise ratio.

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