Treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy.

Initial management of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy is with antiepileptic drugs, but these control seizures in only half the patients. Patients refractory to drugs should be evaluated for resective surgery. That evaluation requires identification of a focus of onset of seizures, as well as establishing that the focus is in an area of the brain that can be removed with a low risk of new neurologic deficits. Techniques used in that evaluation, including electroencephalography, imaging, recording form intracranial electrodes, use of the intracarotid amobarbitol perfusion test, and the role of specialized studies such as positron emission tomography, are reviewed, along with the correlation of the findings on that evaluation to the control of seizures after surgery. The different surgical techniques for temporal lobe resections are also reviewed, along with the risks of surgery, particularly to recent memory, and the changes in quality of life following surgery.

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