Information and computing spaces integration for operating enterprises of pipeline systems using ``ANGARA'' computer technology

The article describes the informatization level of enterprises operating pipeline networks. Existing problems are presented. These problems are related to the fragmentation of information systems and the inability to provide information support for decision-making on the management of the development and operation of pipeline systems. An overview of the most high-usage used software for automate the activities of enterprises is given. The need to create a common information space of an enterprise and the opportunities it provides is shown. A brief description of the information-computer environment “ANGARA” and the technology of organizing a common information space on its basis is given. The experience of practical application of the information-computer environment “ANGARA” for creating the common information space of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Vodocanal” in Irkutsk is cited. On the diagram of the organizational structure of the enterprise the workplaces with access to a common information is showed.