k-anonymous secret handshakes with reusable credentials

The problem of privacy-preserving authentication has been extensively investigated in a set of diverse system settings. However, a full-fledged such mechanism called secret handshake, whereby two users (e.g., CIA agents) authenticate each other in a way that no one reveals its own membership (or credential) unless the peer's legitimacy was already ensured of, remains to be elusive because simultaneity of authentication must be guaranteed even in the presence of an active adversary that may act as a handshake initiator or responder. The state-of-the-art secret handshake scheme is very efficient, but imposes on the users the following restriction: either they have to use one-time credentials, or they have to suffer from the privacy degradation that all the sessions involving a same user (or credential are trivially linkable. In this paper, we present the first secret handshake schemes that achieve unlinkability while allowing the users to reuse their credentials (i.e., unlinkability is not achieved by means of one-time credentials). Specifically, we introduce the concept of $k$-anonymous secret handshakes where $k$ is an adjustable parameter indicating the desired anonymity assurance. We present a detailed construction based on public key cryptosystems, and sketch another based on symmetric key cryptosystems. Both schemes are efficient, and can even be seamlessly integrated into a standard public key infrastructure (PKI). Moreover, and their security analysis does not resort to any random oracle.

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