Motor and Cognitive Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex

How to Study Frontal Lobe Functions in Humans.- Distinctive Chemoanatomical and Developmental Features of the Prefrontal Dopaminergic System in Primates as Compared to Rodents.- Influence of Afferent Systems on the Activity of the Rat Prefrontal Cortex: Electrophysiological and Pharmacological Characterization.- Anatomical Relationships Between the Prefrontal Cortex and the Basal Ganglia in the Rat.- Relations Between Cortical and Basal Ganglia Compartments.- Monoaminergic-Dependent Cognitive Functions of the Prefrontal Cortex in Monkey and Man.- The Issue of Memory in the Study of Prefrontal Function.- Caudate Nucleus and Oculomotor Sequences.- Interaction of Temporal Lobe and Frontal Lobe in Memory.- Activity of the Prefrontal Cortex on No-Go Decision and Motor Suppression.- Attention Regulation and Human Prefrontal Cortex.- Studies of the Prefrontal Cortex of Normal Human Subjects: Contributions from Modern Imaging Techniques.

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