Pipeline Research Workshop
Plans are under way to conduct the Pipeline Research Workshop in conjunction with the ASCE International Pipelines Conference 2013, at the Renaissance Worthington Hotel, in Fort Worth, Texas, on Saturday, June 22, 2013. The objective is to divide the workshop into several tracks, to cover the most important research needs. Prospective topics are listed below: 1. Construction and installation a. Quality of installation b. Bedding and embedment with native soils c. Trenchless technology (new construction, renewal, and replacement) 2. Operation and maintenance a. Pipelines inspection b. Real-time monitoring c. Asset management d. Repairs issues e. Capacity problems (hydraulics, biofilm, etc.) 3. Structural a. Hydraulic pressures (1) Operating (2) Peak and transients (3) Cyclic (fatigue) b. Pipeline design c. Ground movements—seismic loads d. Thrust restraint 4. Environmental a. Corrosion b. Contaminated grounds c. Intrusions 5. Material a. Durability (life expectancy) and reliability b. Stress cracking c. Appurtenances d. Joints e. Repairs and maintenance 6. Sustainability a. Energy requirements (materials, manufacturing, delivery, installation, repairs, renewals, replacements, operation and maintenance, etc.) 7. Education, training, standards, and technology transfer We hope to be able to provide scholarships to several pipeline researchers, including students and post docs, to attend and present at this workshop. If you are interested, please contact me at najafi@uta .edu. Also, feel free to provide any comments and suggestions. Please submit your technical papers, case studies, and technical notes to the Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice at http://www.editorialmanager.com/jrnpseng/. We promise you a fast and fair review and strive to notify you in 45 days about the status of your paper.