Pervasive computing support for market trading

Dr Ian Wakeman is a senior lecturer in the Department of Informatics at the University of Sussex and formerly a research fellow at UCL. His current research interests are focused on support for user policies within pervasive environments, and how to make trust relationships explicit in the technological foundations of pervasive computing systems. His previous work has been in the area of programmable networks and congestion control of video over packet networks. He has been the Principal Investigator on three successful EPSRC projects and the BT funded Alpine programme. The EPSRC projects included: investigating support for adaptive applications; understanding mental models of networked applications, in collaboration with UCL; and an investigation on the design and implementation of programming languages for active networks. He is currently a Co-Investigator on two ongoing EPSRC projects, looking at natural language policy management, and on support for third party computation within the network. He has over forty publications in refereed journals and conferences.

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