창조교육 교수-학습의 발전단계에 관한 연구

This study reflects the development stage of teaching and learning in creative education. Teaching and learning stages in creative education include 5 stages - Inspiration, Detection, Discovery, Revelation and Development. This theory formalizes the scope of logic and time that educationally introduces a thinking process to create human value and applies it to teaching and learning events for creative education. The development stage of creative teaching and learning creates a new value, which can completes teaching and learning objectives for teachers and learners and thereupon achieves a value of creative ability. This enables learners to solve a problem by using thinking skills through teaching and learning and eventually achieve the learning objectives by teacher``s scaffolding. This stage of development includes the problem solving capability for learners to find the ways to achieve learning objectives and a series of behaviors to find the solution for teaching and learning objectives. The tactics in the development stage of creative teaching and learning, therefore, put their emphasis on ``problem solving process``. This refers to the process where learners utilize the knowledge and functions within their schema in order to solve problems in an educational situation, and the problem solving process includes the tactics used to achieve learning objectives and creative values in the end. The development stage for problem solving covers ``detective skills``, which contain tasks, thinking process, suggestions, and questions. Thus, we should consider how to apply appropriate detective skills for teaching and learning tasks in terms of the development stage of creative teaching and learning. Meanwhile, teachers should not teach the detective skills themselves to learners but let them achieve the thinking capability to find the solution for the given task. Namely, problem solving as regard to this development stage should focus on problem solving process not on the solution itself, leading to creative development. The creative development stage which reveals creative values in achieving learning objectives makes it possible to achieve educational objectives through problem solving in teaching and learning process and create a new value. This development stage should be converted into the inspiration stage, which enables to display creativity and stimulates autonomous learning: It is a circulation process which continues the development of creative abilities and thus indicates infinite possibilities in developing human abilities.