Enhanced fast emergency path schema (EFEP-S) to redcue packet loss during multiple independent link failure in OSPF routing

The OSPF convergence period takes several milliseconds to update the current information about the topology. In worse transient behavior, the packets are dropped or loop may occur. It may result in network instability. The link failure recovery is important because it finds the alternative path to deviate the packets, in order to prevent the packet loss rate. An IPFRR approach, FEPS can handle single link or single node failure successfully during the convergence period. This FEPS recomputed the alternate shorter path before the failure occurs. This schema is works during the Convergence period of OSPF routing, which provides an immediate backup path. The proposed idea is to extend the existing protection method “enhanced Fast emergency path schema (EFEP-S)”, an IPFRR approach to overcome the multiple link failures occur within the local routing area of OSPF routing.