APE II...A modern analog/hybrid computer for laboratory instruction

The APE (Arizona PEdagogical) II computer system com prises a 12-amplifier solid-state analog computer (iterative differential analyzer) capable of both real-time and repeti tive operation, and a digital-logic module with patchable digital logic. A flexible digital clock generates computer- reset and sampling pulses. Random and pseudo-random noise generators and digital readout counters permit a wide variety of statistical studies as well as simulation ex periments with sampled-data control systems, automatic optimization, boundary-value problems, and simple com bined analog-digital computation at minimum cost. Special experiments can be stored on removable patchboards. Perhaps the most interesting technical feature of the new computer is its novel packaging technique: amplifier and integrated-circuit logic cards plug directly into the rear of the inexpensive patchbay receivers, which serve, thus, as card cages and save much inter-unit wiring.