CNN: Single-label to Multi-label

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has demonstrated promising performance in single-label image classification tasks. However, how CNN best copes with multi-label images still remains an open problem, mainly due to the complex underlying object layouts and insufficient multi-label training images. In this work, we propose a flexible deep CNN infrastructure, called Hypotheses-CNN-Pooling (HCP), where an arbitrary number of object segment hypotheses are taken as the inputs, then a shared CNN is connected with each hypothesis, and finally the CNN output results from different hypotheses are aggregated with max pooling to produce the ultimate multi-label predictions. Some unique characteristics of this flexible deep CNN infrastructure include: 1) no ground-truth bounding box information is required for training; 2) the whole HCP infrastructure is robust to possibly noisy and/or redundant hypotheses; 3) no explicit hypothesis label is required; 4) the shared CNN may be well pre-trained with a large-scale single-label image dataset, e.g. ImageNet; and 5) it may naturally output multi-label prediction results. Experimental results on Pascal VOC2007 and VOC2012 multi-label image datasets well demonstrate the superiority of the proposed HCP infrastructure over other state-of-the-arts. In particular, the mAP reaches 84.2% by HCP only and 90.3% after the fusion with our complementary result in [47] based on hand-crafted features on the VOC2012 dataset, which significantly outperforms the state-of-the-arts with a large margin of more than 7%.

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