Quality Graphics in Web-Based Applications for Summarizing Government Agency Data

High quality graphics aid federal government agencies in summarizing, analyzing, and disseminating federal statistical summaries, especially large highly complex summaries. The research efforts in Penn State Geography and the GeoVISTA Center (www.geovista.psu.edu), supported by a NSF Digital Government grant (#99883451), continue to develop web-based applications for exploring, analyzing, and presenting high dimensional geospatial data in ways that support exploration and dissemination. Progress has been achieved in the form of added visualization tools (applications and applets) in GeoVISTA Studio, a Java-based programming free visualization environment. GeoVISTA Studio is freely available to government agencies at www.geovistastudio.psu.edu, or at www.sourceforge.net. New visualization tools and functionalities added or enhanced this year include extentions to univariate and bivariate maps, a generic manipulable matrix, new parallel coordinate plot, a speadsheet, conditioning and visual classification tools.