HBS-SWMC 환경에서의 전환장치 설계 및 검증에 관한 연구

Although non-real time simulation and pilot based evaluations are available for the development of flight control computer prior to real flight tests, there are still many risky factors. The control law designed for prototype aircraft often leads to degraded performance from the initial design objectives, therefore, the proper evaluation methods should be applied such that flight control law designed can be verified in real flight environment. The one proposed in this paper is IFS(In-Flight Simulator). Currently, this system has been implemented into the F-18 HARV(High Angle of Attack Research Vehicle), SU-27 and F-16 VISTA(Variable stability In flight Simulation Test Aircraft) programs. This paper addresses the concept of switching mechanism for FLCC(Flight Control Computer)-SWMC(Switching Mechanism Computer) using 1553B communication based on flight control law of advanced supersonic trainer. And, the fader logic of TFS(Transient Free Switch) and stand-by mode of reset ‘0’ type are designed to reduce abrupt transient and minimize the integrator effect in pitch axis control law. It hans been turned out from the pilot evaluation in real time that the aircraft is controllable during the inter-conversion process through the flight control computer, and level I handling qualities are guaranteed. In addition, flight safety is maintained with an acceptable transient response during aggressive maneuver performed in severe flight conditions.