Applications of variational data assimilation in computational hemodynamics

The development of new technologies for acquiring measures and images in order to investigate cardiovascular diseases raises new challenges in scientific computing. These data can be in fact merged with the numerical simulations for improving the accuracy and reliability of the computational tools. Assimilation of measured data and numerical models is well established in meteorology, whilst it is relatively new in computational hemodynamics. Different approaches are possible for the mathematical setting of this problem. Among them, we follow here a variational formulation, based on the minimization of the mismatch between data and numerical results by acting on a suitable set of control variables. Several modeling and methodological problems related to this strategy are open, such as the analysis of the impact of the noise affecting the data, and the design of effective numerical solvers. In this chapter we present three examples where a mathematically sound (variational) assimilation of data can significantly improve the reliability of the numerical models. Accuracy and reliability of computational models are increasingly important features in view of the progressive adoption of numerical tools in the design of new therapies and, more in general, in the decision making process of medical doctors.

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