A gas discharged based radiation source for EUV-lithography

A new high repetitive, compact and low cost gas discharge based EUV ''lamp'' has been studied as an alternative to laser-produced plasmas as EUV sources. First results using oxygen in a fast discharge of electrically stored energy around 1 J lead to a conversion efficiency of about 0.1 % for the emission at 13.0 nm which is suited for the use with Mo/Si-multilayer mirrors. Using Xenon a broadband emission in the investigated wavelength range from 10 nm to 18 nm is observed. With a first version a source with 40 W electrical input power could be demonstrated that emits about 50 mW/([email protected]) around 13 nm at a repetition rate of 150 Hz. No debris and no electrode erosion was observed after more than 10^7 pulses done up to now. Making use of the remaining optimisation potential this concept seems to be promising to fulfil the requirements of extreme-ultraviolet lithography