Congenital intestinal malrotation causing gestational intestinal obstruction. A case report.

BACKGROUND Intestinal obstruction in pregnancy is rare. The mortality rate is higher during pregnancy than in the general population and applies to fetal as well as maternal survival. Major causes of intestinal obstruction in the pregnant women include adhesions, volvulus and intussusception. CASE A 27-year-old woman, gravida 2, para 1, estimated gestational age approximately 26 weeks, with a high-level, complete small bowel obstruction. The patient failed a trial of conservative management and required laparotomy, at which time a congenital malrotation was found. She was treated successfully with a modified Ladd's procedure. There was no maternal or fetal morbidity. CONCLUSION This case represents an extremely rare cause of bowel obstruction in pregnancy; a paucity of such cases have been reported.