Data-Based Program Modification: A Manual.
ABSTRACT._, ''',,I-Presented is an empirically oriented, data based program,04ification (DM) manual for individualizing educational 4ars-Oelary child with a learning,or behavioral problem. The .--ratioWale for an empirically based program, the socio -legal context, ,,,.anl\;Specific,,measurement and evaluation procedures (e.g. time series procedureeiyandcdiscrepancy measurement) are, described in Part I. Cotferedin'Part II isthe sequencing of initial assessment and in _Part-1644*prograi planning sequence is provided. Program iiplemeeeation, adjustment, and Certification are discussed in Parts IV, Consultation, training, and the indirect role of the resource-teacher are treated in Part VII._Featured throughout is the applf0Otion of DBPM to the case of a hypothetical child. Three appendixes provide appropriate questions-for each decision area of the DBPM, case report susiaries, and a list of change ,strategies., (BB)
[1] A. Hofmeister,et al. Effective Use of Objectives and Monitoring , 1975 .