A Fault-Tolerant Routing Strategy Based on Extended Safety Vectors in Hypercube Multicomputers

This paper modifies the definition of safety vectors (SVs) [8] , which is proposed for hypercube multicomputers, and proposes a new concept extended safety vectors (ESVs). The values of extended safety vectors of nodes in a hypercube system can be determined in n-1 rounds information exchange between neighbors. Optimal unicasting between two nodes is guaranteed if the k th bit of extended safety vector of the source node is 1, where the k is equal to the Hamming distance between the two nodes. A fault tolerant routing algorithm is then proposed to make use of the information recorded in extended safety vectors. It can easily determine whether a path of length no greater than the Hamming distance between the source and destination plus 2 can be established. The simulation results show that it is much more powerful than those based on safety vectors in dealing with link faults.