Dear Editor,
Piriformis syndrome (PS) comprises symptoms like pain in the region of the sacroiliac joint, greater sciatic notch, piriformis muscle (PM), and occasionally sciatica [1]. Walking/stooping/lifting exacerbate the symptoms. Signs include piriformis tenderness, PM stretch pain, positive straight leg raise sign, gluteal atrophy and weakness [2]. PS accounts for 6–8% of low back pain cases [3]. Proposed mechanisms for PS include PM contracture/spasm from trauma/overuse/hypertrophy. Steroid/botulinum toxin injections form the mainstay of therapy [1]. We propose that gemelli and obturator internus (OI) are also part of myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) causing PS. We report the success of ultrasound-guided dry needling (USGDN) of gemelli and OI in relieving PS symptoms in a patient who had remained unresponsive to repeated piriformis injections.
A 72-year-old radiologist presented with continuous pain (8–9 on Numerical Rating Scale [NRS]) in right buttock, radiating to ankle within 1–2 minutes of sitting/standing/assisted walking. Piriformis stretch test was positive and palpation showed right buttock tenderness. His symptoms had started with mobilization after 3 months of bed rest for L5 vertebral osteomyelitis following surgery for lumbar canal stenosis of 3 years with foot drop. Pain was unrelieved by neuromodulators (pregabalin, gabapentin), analgesics (100 mg extended-release tramadol, paracetamol 500 mg tds), computed tomography (CT), and ultrasonography (USG)-guided piriformis injections with steroid. His Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) [4] score was 10, indicating major depressive disorder and painDETECT [5] score was 16, indicating definite neuropathy. Magnetic resonance imaging showed discogenic, facetogenic, and failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) pathologies, normal hip, and healed osteomyelitis.
He was offered three treatment options: a medial branch block test followed by radiofreqency (RF) neurotomy for facet arthropathy, epidural injection for radiculopathy, and USGDN for MPS causing PS. He chose USGDN. High-frequency linear 6–13 MHz transducer of Sonosite TM …
L. Vas,et al.
Successful management of chronic postsurgical pain following total knee replacement.
Pain medicine.
F. Song,et al.
The clinical features of the piriformis syndrome: a systematic review
European Spine Journal.
S. Naderi,et al.
Anatomic considerations and the relationship between the piriformis muscle and the sciatic nerve
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy.
R. Baron,et al.
painDETECT: a new screening questionnaire to identify neuropathic components in patients with back pain
Current medical research and opinion.
O. Johansen,et al.
The internal obturator muscle may cause sciatic pain
J. Katz,et al.
Piriformis Syndrome: Anatomic Considerations, a New Injection Technique, and a Review of the Literature
A. Klarica,et al.
The “piriformis syndrome”— myth or reality?
British journal of sports medicine.
R. Spitzer,et al.
The PHQ-9
Journal of General Internal Medicine.
J. Parziale,et al.
The piriformis syndrome.
American journal of orthopedics.
R. Hallin.
Sciatic pain and the piriformis muscle.
Postgraduate medicine.
A. Freiberg,et al.