Fast analysis and database generation in aperiodic reflectarrays

In this framework, we deal with the problem of the fast evaluation of the far-field radiated by an ARA. This problem arises to be very relevant when synthesizing such radiating structures, especially when fully exploiting all the available degrees of freedom is mandatory to achieve high performance, since the evaluation of the far-field is required many times at each iteration step. The fast analysis of an ARA is based on three key points: 1.) The evaluation of the radiated field as the superposition of two contributions, i.e., a reflector-like contribution and an array-like contribution; 2.) Exploitation of a scattering matrix database, automatically generated off-line by means of full wave electromagnetic solvers; 3.) Use of fast hardware and software solutions to accelerate the computations, as for example the use of Non-Uniform Fast Fourier Transform (NUFFT) routines, of optimized Matrix-Vector Multiplication (MVM) algorithms and/or implementations on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) .