The energy-efficient MDA-SMAC protocol for wireless sensor networks

Nodes in original S-MAC protocol just can visit the channel in the scheduling and listening stage. The working schema may result in data latency and high conflict. To solve those above problems, we split scheduling duty into multiple micro-duties. By using different micro-dispersed contention channel, the sensor nodes reduce the collision probability of the data. Aiming at detecting the fixed duty cycle in S-MAC protocol, on the basis of the micro-duty and buffer queue length, this paper presents an adaptive duty cycle and back-off algorithm. While using different back-off algorithm with different duty cycles, sensor node Fast-Binary Exponential Backoff and Conflict-Avoid-Binary exponential Backoff algorithm separated are applied to reduce data latency further reduce the conflict probability. Combining both of the improvements, we propose a modified S-MAC protocol. Comparing the performance of S-MAC protocol and Division-Multiple Access-Media Access Control (MDA-SMAC) protocol on the NS-2 simulation platform, the results show that MDA-SMAC protocol performs better in terms of energy consumption, latency, and effective throughput than S-MAC protocol

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