First International Workshop on Larch, Proceedings of the first First International Workshop on Larch, Dedham, Massachusetts, USA, 13-15 July 1992

Is Engineering Software Amenable to Formal Specification?.- How to Prove Observational Theorems with LP.- Using SOS Definitions in Term Rewriting Proofs.- An exercise in LP: The Proof of a Non Restoring Division circuit.- Integrating ASSPEGIQUE and LP.- Mechanical Verification of Concurrent Systems with TLA.- The DECspec Project: Tools for Larch/C.- Formal Verification of Ada Programs.- A Semantics for a Larch/Modula-3 Interface Language.- Preliminary Design of Larch/C++.- Generating Proof Obligations for Circuits.- Using Transformations and Verification in Circuit Design.- Using LP to Study the Language PL 0 + .- Semantic Analysis of Larch Interface Specifications.- Optimizing Programs with Partial Specifications.- A new Front-End for the Larch Prover.- Thoughts on a Larch/ML and a New Application for LP.