A Note on Some Contractible 4-Manifolds
In a recent note [2], J. H. C. Whitehead exhibits involutions of Sn with fixed point sets non-simply connected, for n > 14. This is based on a certain example of M.H.A. Newman [1] of a contractible 5-manifold U5, with non-simply connected boundary. The purpose of this note is to construct specific 4-manifolds W4 which are contractible and have nonsimply connected boundaries & W, = Mr (which are necessarily homology 3-spheres), and which have the following additional property
[1] M. Newman,et al. Boundaries of ULC Sets in Euclidean n-Space. , 1948, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[2] J. Whitehead. Simplicial Spaces, Nuclei and m‐Groups , 1939 .
[3] J. Whitehead. On Involutions of Spheres , 1957 .
[4] Morton Brown,et al. A proof of the generalized Schoenflies theorem , 1960 .