Development of computer accessible programmable syringe pump and its graphical computer interface

Administration of medicine through vessels is usually carried out using syringe pumps. In this study, a programmable electronic syringe pump and a computer software computer interface that ensures the effective use of the pump has been developed. The syringe pump developed has a mechanical structure, a servo motor, a microcontroller, a power supply stage and a PC connection module. Calibration of the pump is done by performing several experiments with a 5ml syringe to clarify the relationship of the wave pulse width required by the servo motor to provide the desired flow rate. Using computer software interface, the serial port which the pump is connected to is selected first. A list is created by entering the flow rate and the time. After each entry, total volume is automatically calculated. Once the list is completed, a simulation can be executed to visually inform the operator about the volume to be administered. Next,, administration process is started. Volume in the syringe is continually updated during administration. The process can be stopped immediately at any time by the operator.