FuzzyControl Solution foraClass ofTricycle Mobile Robots

Thepaperproposes anoriginal fuzzy control(11) accompanied bytheIterative Feedback Tuning (IFT) solution tosolve thetracking problem incaseofaclass of method(12,13)incaseofthebasic linear PIcontrollers. tricycle mobile robots withtwodegrees offreedom and Then, theresults aretransferred tothefuzzy caseinterms steered front wheel. Thecontrol system structure containsofthemodalequivalence principle (14) having inmindthe twocontrol loopstocontrol theforwardvelocity andthe anglebetweentheheading direction andthex-axis. The reference trajectory isobtained onthebasis ofanobstacleIFTisa gradient-based approach, basedon input-output avoidance strategy employing theartificial potential fielddatarecorded fromtheclosed-loop system. The CS method. Thedevelopment inthelinear caseisdoneinterms performance indices arespecified through certain cost oftheExtended Symmetrical Optimummethodandofthe functions (c.f.s). Optimizing suchfunctions usually requires Iterative Feedback Tuning method resulting intwolinear PI iterative gradient-based minimization, butthec.f.s canbe controllers. A newdevelopment methodisproposed basedon thetransfer ofresults fromthelinear casetothefuzzy one comicaTed funtion of than thedisturbnce employng Madani t-fuzzcontoller. Siuain. eut dynamics. Thekeyfeature ofIFTiSthattheclosed-loop validate theproposed fuzzy control solution. experimental dataareusedtocalculate theestimated gradient ofthec.f.Eachiteration comprises several experiments. Updated controller parameters areobtained I INTRODUCTION based oninput-output data collected fromthesystem.