The Neftemash closed joint-stock company

The Neftemash closed joint-stock company was created from the VNIIneftemash Scientific Production Association in the privatization process in the country. Members of the Neftemash Co. are listed. This group of members determined the basic activities of the Neftemash Co. as a multifunctional scientific production complex for designing and manufacturing modern equipment for oil and gas production and refining. By having highly qualified specialists, modern enterprises, test experience, and production capacity, this company is the leading organization in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) for supplying oil and gas enterprises with petroleum equipment. The Neftemash Co. designs and produces drilling, geological prospecting, and petroleum production equipment and instrumentation. It designs oil and gas refining equipment and petrochemical equipment, equipment for processing coal and liquid fuels, including integrated automated production lines. It does fundamental and applied research in materials science, welding, and corrosion protection for oil and gas production and refining equipment. It designs ecologically safe equipment complexes for drilling wells and refining oil and gas. To a significant extent the petroleum industry in Russia was developed from the activity of the All-Union Scientific Research, Design, and Construction Institute for Petroleum Machinery. Equipment designed by the institute was used tomore » explore, develop, and exploit oil and gas fields of western Siberia, the far north, and other petroleum regions of the country.« less