〈학술논문〉 중형엔진 추진용 가변피치프로펠러 시스템의 기어박스 최적설계
A reduction gearbox is a main component of a CPP(Controllable Pitch Propeller) propulsion system and it plays a role to translate a high speed and low torque power into a low speed and high torque power. Generally gear pairs are designed according to the standards such as ISO 6336 and AGMA and the tooth of gears is often modified to make even pressure distribution on the contact surface of the tooth. In this study, a systematical analysis has been carried out to investigate the influence of the deformation of the gearbox housing structure on the shaft mialignment because the amount of the misalignment is a prominent factor which decides the shape of the tooth modification. Using the results of the analysis the gearbox housing and gear pairs have been optimized, including the durability of bearing and shaft.