Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning through Adaptive Model Averaging

Federated learning enables training collaborative machine learning models at scale with many participants whilst preserving the privacy of their datasets. Standard federated learning techniques are vulnerable to Byzantine failures, biased local datasets, and poisoning attacks. In this paper we introduce Adaptive Federated Averaging, a novel algorithm for robust federated learning that is designed to detect failures, attacks, and bad updates provided by participants in a collaborative model. We propose a Hidden Markov Model to model and learn the quality of model updates provided by each participant during training. In contrast to existing robust federated learning schemes, we propose a robust aggregation rule that detects and discards bad or malicious local model updates at each training iteration. This includes a mechanism that blocks unwanted participants, which also increases the computational and communication efficiency. Our experimental evaluation on 4 real datasets show that our algorithm is significantly more robust to faulty, noisy and malicious participants, whilst being computationally more efficient than other state-of-the-art robust federated learning methods such as Multi-KRUM and coordinate-wise median.

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