Proceedings of the 5th European conference on Computer systems
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 5th ACM EuroSys conference on Computer Systems -- EuroSys 2010. Previous years have established a reputation for high quality, and a broad and enthusiastic attendance. We are delighted that this year is no exception, with an excellent program. The topics cover a wide variety of areas ranging from storage systems to kernels, from scheduling to transactional memory; and from clouds to real-time systems. In addition, the program includes a poster session to encourage detailed technical interactions. There are also a number of co-located workshops, tutorials on cutting-edge topics and the EuroSys Doctoral Symposium.
This year's call for papers attracted 141 submissions. These came from all over the world: Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and the Middle East. One paper was rejected for failing to meet the formatting guidelines, so we had 140 papers to choose from. The program committee (PC) used a two-round reviewing process that winnowed down the full set of papers to 67 for the second round and then selected 27 papers for the final program. All papers received at least 3 reviews; all secondround papers received 6 or 7 reviews. A total of 630 reviews were written. All this in only two months!
EuroSys 2010 is organized in Paris by the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA) and the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM) with the support of the ACM SIGOPS France (ASF). The organization of EuroSys 2010 would not have been possible without the dedication of all the members of the organization committee. Samia Bouzefrane, and Elisabeth Lebret deserve special thanks for their extensive work on the conference logistics. Frederic Le Mouel and Laurent Reveillere have done a prodigious job in continuously maintaining the conference web site. Finally, we would like to thank the EuroSys board for their continued support.