Funktionsbedingte Flächenänderungen des oro-pharyngo-laryngealen Vokaltraktes bei Sängern in der Magnetresonanztomographie
The oro-pharyngeal-laryngeal resonating spaces were studied in 12 singers at varying stages of their training by means of medio-sagittal MRI images, and the results were compared. The singers were requested to sing /a/ /u/ and /i/ at various pitches and with increasing loudness. The total oro-pharyngo-laryngeal areas were integrated by means of the MRI sections. The relationship between the oro-pharyngeal and pharyngo-laryngeal areas was determined, as well as their ratio to total area. With increasing volume there was increase in the area of the oro-pharyngeal component with no change in the pharyngo-laryngeal component. The relationship of the partial areas depends on the extent of training of the singer.