Viscous three-dimensional simulations of the Honeywell ALF502R-5 low pressure compressor (sometimes called a booster) using the NASA Glenn code GlennHT have been carried out. A total of ten simulations were produced. Five operating points are investigated, with each point run with two different wall thermal conditions. These operating points are at, or near, points where engine icing has been determined to be likely. In the future, the results of this study will be used for further analysis such as predicting collection efficiency of ice particles and ice growth rates at various locations in the compressor. A mixing plane boundary condition is used between each blade row, resulting in convergence to steady state within each blade row. The k-omega turbulence model of Wilcox, combined with viscous grid spacing near the wall on the order of one, is used to resolve the turbulent boundary layers. For each of the operating points, heat transfer coefficients are generated on the blades and walls. The heat transfer coefficients are produced by running the operating point with two different wall thermal conditions and then solving simultaneously for the heat transfer coefficient and adiabatic wall temperature at each point. Average Nusselt numbers are calculated for the most relevant surfaces. The values are seen to scale with Reynolds number to approximately a power of 0.7. Additionally, images of surface distribution of Nusselt number are presented. Qualitative comparison between the five operating points show that there is relatively little change in the character of the distribution. The dominant observed effect is that of an overall scaling, which is expected due to Reynolds number differences. One interesting aspect about the Nusselt number distribution is observed on the casing (outer diameter) downstream of the exit guide vanes (EGVs). The Nusselt number is relatively high between the pairs of EGVs, with two lower troughs downstream of each EGV trailing edge. This is of particular interest since rather complex ice shapes have been observed in that region. 1 Senior Research Engineer, Vantage Partners, LLC. 2 Research Scientist, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University. 3 Aerospace Engineer, Turbomachinery and Heat Transfer Branch, NASA Glenn Research Center. 4 Aerospace Engineer, Turbomachinery and Heat Transfer Branch, NASA Glenn Research Center. 2019-11-11T12:03:45+00:00Z
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Appendix D - An Interim Icing Envelope